Cuts that have been growing horns may pose risks if not done skillfully. Cutting should be done quickly and flexibly. When done with a saw, keep the base of the horn does not waver from the skull, as if to falter then the cow will be in pain and an infection in cattle.
Many options to do the cutting tool that has grown horns. For the calf usually using scissors horn, dehorner tube, wire cutters or elastrator horn. For adult cattle should use a hacksaw or cutting pliers horn. Frequently used tool is the cutting pliers because with this tool horns will not grow back.
Below is Method Of Cutting Cows Horn :
Cutting cows horn with a chainsaw
Before cutting the horn, the cow should be in the belt or dropped first. Cutting the horn is best done on bail or cage clamps. If necessary anesthesia and performed two people.
The left horn was cut first, then proceed to the right. Cutting the distance to the base of the horn about 2 cm. Cutting should be careful not to hurt the skin. Used cutting bandages that were covered with antiseptic. If there is bleeding, cutting the former can be rubbed with a hot iron.
Cow Horns cutting with scissors or pliers cutters Horn
Cutting with scissors horn horn is usually done on a calf, while for the already mostly done with cutting pliers. (Cup dehorner dehorner or guillotine).
The second use of the principle is the same tool, the following cutting the horn base so that the former engagement with the skull will appear perforated and bleeding, although the situation will not harm.
Cow horns to be cut should be put into the bail so that his head can not move. For the calf should be inserted into the horn cradel so cutting can be done with the calf lay.
Scissors or cutting pliers mounted right at the base of the horn. After that scissors or pliers pressed with both hands so that the horn be cut and peeled off easily. In order to do pliers does not move then cuts to two men.
Note the former horns that have been truncated. The rest of the base of the horn that still attaches to the skull should be cleaned with a scalpel. Cutting marks on the horn sprinkle with antibiotics, and a cow or calf is released back into the meadow grazing freely.
Cow Horns Tube cutting with Dehorner
Tube dehorner a sharp-pointed iron tube, would be useful for picking horn or horns that are still small. Dehorner tube typically used only in the calf of less than 7 months old.
Horn tube inserted into the hole and then the tube is pressed while playing 45o to the left and right so that the horn be cutted.
Cutting cows horns with wire cutters
This tool is a saw-shaped smooth, fitted at both ends to pull the handle sticks and stalling. Wire length is approximately 2 m.
Wire wrapped around the base of the horn and then both ends are pulled and stretched alternated turns with the right hand and left. Cutting marks were given antibiotics.
Cutting Cows Horn with elastrator
Before cutting the horn, the cow should be in a state of calm. Then mounted on a rubber ring elastrator. Elastrator is entered on the horn and then remove the rubber ring at the base of the horn.
After installation is complete elastrator, cows can be released again. Little horn will be separated after 3-6 weeks, while the big horns after 2 months.
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