Placental retention is a pathological event in which the fetal membranes are not out of the genitals parent within 1-12 hours after the birth of her child. If the fetus requires spending a longer period of time, then it should be viewed as an abnormal or pathological condition. retained placenta in cows can last for 4-8 days or even more, if there is no help. in the circumstances, the fetal membranes had experienced a change - a change in the form of decay in the female genital tract, especially in the uterus, it can be toxic to the uterus.
Basically sekundinae retention or release of retained placenta is a failure of the fetal cotyledon villi kripta caruncula maternal. In cattle, the retention placenta could be due to several factors: (1) mechanical disturbances (only 0.3% cases), the fetal membranes that are detached from the uterine wall, but can not be separated and out of the genitals due to enter the cornua uteri are not pregnant, or cervical canal is too soon to close, so the fetal membranes sandwiched (2) Parent lack the power to issue sekundinae after giving birth. This is due to the Atoni postpartum uteri (case 1-2%). It may also be due to deficiency of the hormone that stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth, such as oxytocin or estrogen. Atoni postpartum uteri can also be caused by various diseases such as accumulation of fluid in the fetal membranes, uterine torsion, twins, distokia and other pathological conditions, (3) interference from the release sekundinae caruncula parent. This is the case most frequently occurs and can reach 98%, (4) Avitaminosis-A causes retention of the placenta, because vitamin A is most likely necessary to maintain health and resistance of the epithelium of the uterus and placenta. Placental retention occurred in 69% of cows from a group of animals fed with low levels of carotenoids
The first visible symptom is the presence of fetal membranes of the genitals hanging out of 12 hours or more after normal delivery, abortion, or distokia. Sometimes fetal membranes did not break through the female animals genitals, but still remain in the uterus and female animals genitals. Examination of the fetal membranes after parturition should be performed to determine whether there is retention or not. Examination through the uterus can be done within 24-36 hours post parturition. After 48 hours it is usually difficult or impossible to insert a hand into the uterus or fetal membranes the cervix. The presence of fetal membranes in the cervix tends to inhibit the contraction of the cervix.
Approximately 75-80% of cows with retention sekundinae showed no signs of illness. Approximately 20-25% showed symptoms of metritis as anorexia, depression, high body temperature, increased pulsus and weight loss.
In cases without complications, mortality is very little and did not exceed 1-2%. If handled properly and quickly, then the fertility of the cow in question is not compromised. In the case of this retention is economic losses of farmers due to reduced milk production, and conception delay involution.
Diagnosis is based on the sekundinae coming out of the genitals. When sekundinae only slightly in the genitalia, the diagnosis can be performed with female animals genitals exploration using hands and with a palpable residual sekundinae or cotyledons are still felt slick because it is still encased by the fetal membranes. Caruncula which is free from sekundinae layer, will be felt like velvet. If there is no sekundinae that hangs outside the sex, do not say there is no retention sekundinarium. Sekundinae may remain hidden in the cavity and the uterus.
The goal of treatment is to induce uterine contractions, causing the placenta. Sub-cutaneous injections of the hormone oxytocin or intra muscular dose is 100 IU for the treatment of large animals sheep, goats, and pigs 30-50 IU dose, injected subcutaneously Dogs, cats with a dose of 5-30 IU (according to body weight of dogs and cats), injected subcutaneously. Other treatments for cows with dietilstibestrol preparations in oil solution as much as 15-60 mg intramuscularly and repeated for 4 days. Sheep, goats and pigs, the dose is 0.5 mg intramuscular injection.
Aid can be done manually removal of placenta. Removal of the placenta performed if the relationship between fetal membranes and caruncula easily separated. Recommended the release done before 48 hours after birth.
If there is infection, then after removing the placenta held antiseptis washing with a solution such as intra uterine rivanol 1% or other antiseptis solution.
To prevent metritis after the placenta is issued, the cow can be given a combination of as many as 1 million IU penicillin and dihirostreptoimicin 1 gram dissolved in 50 ml distilled water, then a solution of antibiotics was inserted into the uterus. Other antibiotics on the retention of the placenta due to infection, is klortetrasiklin (aureomicin) of 500 mg in 2 bolus and bolus inserted in the uterus, oxytetracycline (terramisin) in as much as 250 mg capsules, four capsules inserted in the uterus.
To prevent metritis after the placenta is issued, the cow can be given a combination of as many as 1 million IU penicillin and dihirostreptoimicin 1 gram dissolved in 50 ml distilled water, then a solution of antibiotics was inserted into the uterus. Other antibiotics on the retention of the placenta due to infection, is klortetrasiklin (aureomicin) of 500 mg in 2 bolus and bolus inserted in the uterus, oxytetracycline (terramisin) in as much as 250 mg capsules, four capsules inserted in the uterus.
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