Pyometra in the cattle are hoarding more than 200 ml of pus in the uterus is characterized by failure of corpus luteum lust and obtained presisten. Corpus luteum presisten is corpus luteum not pregnancy, but the corpus luteum after ovulation that persisted because of infection in the uterus. Pyometra usually occurs after abnormal parturition, uterine infection, uterine involution is slow after the occurrence of abortion, multiple births, pyometra, retained sekundinarium and others. Pyometra often heal by itself. Pyometra which occurred after the marriage is usually associated with early embryonic death or maceratio fetus. In this case should be suspected of pyogenis infection and trichomoniasis or other infections in young pregnancy and fetus were killed by the microorganism in question which the fetus and the membranes were destroyed and causes pyometra.
Pyometra is characterized by failure and accumulation of pus in the uterus. In the cervix pyometra pospartus slack so thick pus out when cows lie down. Rectal examination of the uterine wall is generally thick and has no tone. When compared with the consistency of pus pregnancy weight in pregnancy is not like water. Cotyledon fetal and uterine artery fremitus on pyometra was not palpable. Pus tend to congregate at the apex or tip of Cornua and did not occur on the dorsal protrusion of the uterus as pregnancy Cornua young corpus settled luteum in the ovary.
The sooner the better prognosa with pyometra treated early. In a case that lasted just 60 to 120 days, healing and conception are more likely to occur in more than 120 days. Kinds of microorganisms such as C.pyogenes usually difficult to cure.
Injection of estrogen with a dose of 50 to 100 mg stilbestrol or 5 to 10 mg estradiol or with commercial preparations 10-15 ml ovalumon cyren B or intramuscularly. Almost all the pus will come out within 1 to 3 days after injection. If this does not happen injection can be repeated with half the dose at intervals of 3 days. Or by injection of prostaglandin (PGF2α) can also be given to remove the pus and the removal of copus luteum. After spending the treatment of pus in the uterus of antibiotic use for example a mixture of 500 000 - 1 million IU of penicillin and streptomycin 0.5 to 1 gram or 0.5 to 1 gram was given terramycin, tetracylin, aeromycin. Special commercial preparations such as Tardomyocil (Bayer), metritin (Wonder) was given 10 ml of intra-uterine will accelerate healing.
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