In some cases we often find in the field of functional reproductive disorders in cattle and of course it need treatment for reproductive purposes can be achieved. These functional disturbances due to organ cow reproduction is not functioning properly. Functional form of infertility is caused by hormonal abnormalities. Here are examples of cases of functional disorders, include:
- Ovarian cyst
- Subestrus and quiet lust
- Anestrus
- Delayed ovulation
Ovarian cyst (ovaria, follicular and luteal)
Cystic ovarian status is said to contain one or more if the structure contains fluid and larger than the mature follicles. Cause of the cyst ovary is ovulation and endocrine disorders (low LH). While predisposisinya factors are hereditary, social problems and dietary protein. There is a cyst The graph makes the follicle (follicle cook) did not ovulate (a-novulasi) but regresses (melt) or have luteinizing so the size of the follicles increases, the degeneration of the granulosa cell layer and settle at least 10 days. As a result cattles into anestrus or nymphomania even be (marriage continues).Handling we done by:
Cystic ovarian status is said to contain one or more if the structure contains fluid and larger than the mature follicles. Cause of the cyst ovary is ovulation and endocrine disorders (low LH). While predisposisinya factors are hereditary, social problems and dietary protein. There is a cyst The graph makes the follicle (follicle cook) did not ovulate (a-novulasi) but regresses (melt) or have luteinizing so the size of the follicles increases, the degeneration of the granulosa cell layer and settle at least 10 days. As a result cattles into anestrus or nymphomania even be (marriage continues).Handling we done by:
- Sista ovaria: prostaglandin (if the animal is not pregnant);
- Follicle cyst: Injecting HCG / LH (Preynye, Nymfalon) intramuscularly as 200 IU;
- Luteal cyst: PGH 7.5 mg in 2.5 ml intra-uterine or intramuscularly. It can also be treated with the PRID / CIDR intra-uterine (12 days). Two to five days after treatment will lust cow.
Subestrus and quiet lust
Subestrus is a situation in which the symptoms of short duration lust / short (only 3-4 hours) and accompanied by ovulation (egg release). Lust is quiet a state of cows with ovarian activity and the presence of ovulation but are not accompanied with clear symptoms of estrus. The cause of this incident are: low estrogen (due to deficiency of carotene, P, Co, cobalt and low weight). If there is a corpus luteum, it can be treated with PGF2 (prostaglandin) and followed by administration of GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone).
Subestrus is a situation in which the symptoms of short duration lust / short (only 3-4 hours) and accompanied by ovulation (egg release). Lust is quiet a state of cows with ovarian activity and the presence of ovulation but are not accompanied with clear symptoms of estrus. The cause of this incident are: low estrogen (due to deficiency of carotene, P, Co, cobalt and low weight). If there is a corpus luteum, it can be treated with PGF2 (prostaglandin) and followed by administration of GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone).
Anestrus is a situation in yan female animals showed no symptoms estrus in the long term. The absence of symptoms of estrus may be caused by the lack of activity ovaria ovaria or activities that do not result observed. Anestrus state can be classified based on the cause, namely:
Anestrus is a situation in yan female animals showed no symptoms estrus in the long term. The absence of symptoms of estrus may be caused by the lack of activity ovaria ovaria or activities that do not result observed. Anestrus state can be classified based on the cause, namely:
True anestrus (normal anestrus), This abnormality is characterized by the absence of cyclic activity of Ovaria, the cause is due to insufficient production of gonadotropin, or because ovaria not responsif to gonadotropin perrektal the heifers will be felt Small, flat and smooth, while if the old cow will be felt irregular ovaria (Irregular) because of a regression of the corpus luteum (melt).
Anestrus due to genetic, Anestrus due to genetic factors common is ovarian hypoplasia andagenesis ovaria. Treatment with the improvement of feed so that the body condition score (SKT) increases, stimulating the activity by giving ovaria (3000-4500 ECG IU; GnRH 0.5 mg; PRID / CIDR and estrogen).
Ovulation is delayed
Delayed ovulation (delayed ovulation) is a condition of delayed ovulation / not timely. This can lead to marital / IB is not timely, so that fertilization (conception) is not the case and ultimately failed to conceive. The main cause of delayed ovulation is low levels of LH in the blood. Symptoms appears in this case is the presence of mating repeatedly (repeat breeding). Therapies can be done such as by injection of GnRH (0,100-0,250 mg gonadorelin) at IB.
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