Considering so many needs of meat goats in Indonesia, the goat business opportunity becomes extremely promising. Along with population growth, the market share would be even greater.
Currently the price of goats from year to year continues to rise and rise, it means we are not going to lose money if the goat today, if viewed in terms of price, and the record, we have to know how to raise goats, including how to prevent and treat the sick goat. Usually perternak losses obtained from failure to raise goats as goats die from bloating, goats die due to diarrhea, or goats do not get fat or obese due to deworming goats had gudikan. All diseases can be prevented and overcome if we want to be serious in maintaining the goat pieces.
Well now we start raising goats how good piece, there are 3 types of ways screaming goat namely the extensive, semi-intensive and intensive. Extensive goat rearing is done by the Herd in a meadow with a fence around it, given the goat enclosure for sleeping and shelter from the wind and rain, goats are not fed at night, the goat gave birth alone and no more attention than its owner.
While for semi-intensive maintenance, goats grazing on a regular basis, during the night the goat was fed, given a goat pen and the goat in the early evening sleigh into the cage, at the time of birth or sick goats no attention from the owner.
Then the third is maintenance intensive systems, in which the owner of the goat devote full attention to the development and growth of goats, intensive care usually aims to scale the business. At the intensive goat rearing goats every day being in a cage, not in Herd and got food and a full treatment of the goat owners such as nail cutting, castration, cutting horn, places to eat are always cleaned, cages are always clean and drinking water provision adlibitum including also regular worm treatment.
How to Select Seed Goat Fattening
To select the seed feeder goats for fattening purposes then choose the type of Boer or Boerawa goat could be a male, healthy, no diarrhea, has a complete genital / symmetric, goat body length, has a good appetite, not scabies, legs appear strong and agile, aged goat at least 7 months.
Cage requirements Goat Fattening
Goat pen preferably away from residential areas (if near the settlement could disturb nearby residents because of it), it is easy to get clean water, electricity or lighting have another cage to be strong, the location of the cage should be safe from thieves, not prone to flooding, and should shed No shade trees to withstand the wind.
Cage shape Goat Fattening
Form the ideal cage fattening goats are as follows:
- Cage made of wood or bamboo is strong, with tile roofs or asbestos.
- The enclosure has enough ventilation, have a place to eat and drink.
- Cage size for 2 goats, 1 mx 1.5 m with a minimum cage floor as high as 50 cm of soil.
- Ground or floor below in try cage tilt, so it is easy to clean and flush the goat manure.
- Fattening Goats Feeding Method
Generally goats eat grass or forage, such as jackfruit leaves, elephant grass, banana leaves, and others. However, for the purpose of fattening goats feeding concentrates to be the most important. Concentrate feed for goats can be derived from rice bran, corn, tofu, soybean meal, coconut cake, cassava etc.. Food needs of goats is approximately 10% of body weight, meaning that if the goats body weight 30 kg 3 kg is needed forage for food anyway. It required additional goats concentrate per 200 g s / d 500 g in one day. Concentrate on the provision of goats should be given in the morning and afternoon, while the evening special for forage. As for the drink adlibitum meaning given in the amount available each time.
Dispensing Worms in Goats
Worm is a parasite that familiar with goats, is caused by feeding the goats have never cooked so there is almost always worm eggs in the feed. Grass is the habitat of the worms in the soil, then grass is eaten by goats in, so the potential is very high worm infected goats. It is necessary for the prevention of intestinal worms in goats by way of worming every 2 months. Worming can use piperazine, albendazole, or other content that worm medicine. For example worming goats are the trademarks pyronil, this drug albendazole antelmetik contain substances that have strong killing power against hookworms, heartworms, tapeworms, pinworms, askaris worms, wire worms etc..
Feeding or ration nice and secure without balanced with worm eradication program in the body of a goat then the feed will be wasted. This is because the nutrients will only be spent by the worm's body goat, but it would also suffered organ damage and adversely affect growth and body weight gain goats.
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