1. Pneumonia

Pneumonia prevention can be done by keeping the cage in order not damp, always clean, and improve air circulation, there is no standing water around the cage, the cage closes if high winds, and separating the sick goat with goat ehat yangs. Treatment can be done by giving the antibiotic preparations, but have knowledge of your veterinarian or local animal paramedics.
2. Constipation
Constipation usually attack first kid because black dirt thickened and hard. As a result, the dirt that is usually issued a few hours after the birth can not get out. Symptoms of constipation seen from the kid who showed signs of constipation dirt, rolling around, and often bleat.
Prevention of this disease can be done by providing adequate feed. Meanwhile, treatment of constipation can be done by giving as much vegetable oil one tablespoon at a goat.
3. Bloating (Bloat)
Disease occurs due to bloating and eating goats removable grass still wet, causing the gas in the digestive tract that can not be removed from the stomach. Goats suffering from abdominal bloating visible enlarged left, backs bent, and increased respiratory rate. Bloating disease not addressed can lead to death.
Prevention of this disease can be done by not giving goat feed is still wet or not removing the goat is hungry too early, because the grass was still wet with dew. Treatment of this disease can be done by pressing the lower abdomen by using bamboo intact. While holding the bamboo, animal until gas lift out.
4. Ecthyma Contagiosa (Orf)
Contagiosa ecthyma disease caused by viruses that are zoonotic, which can be transmitted to humans. Symptoms are sores around the mouth that can spread to the sidelines nails. As a result, the body became emaciated goats as decreased appetite. This disease can be cured by itself after 4 weeks. But can result in death if secondary infection occurs.
Prevention of this disease can be done with the quarantine of goats coming from somewhere else for 2-3 weeks or goat isolate suspected of having the disease. Treatment is done by giving antibiotics leukomosin. Antibiotics to prevent secondary infections that can lead to death.
5. Poisoned
Poisoning caused by eating goats forage containing toxins. Symptoms, goats suffered convulsions, foaming at the mouth, mucous membranes bluish eyes, and dirt mixed with blood. In the severe conditions that can cause sudden death.
In cases of poisoning are detected in time, giving norit tablet or young coconut water can save the goat of death. But if it is acute, hard goat helped. Prevention is by not feeding forages that contain toxins, such as fresh cassava leaves, and young forage. In addition, please note the place where goats graze, lest there poisonous plants that can be eaten by goats. Cassava leaves and other vegetation may be granted if it is done first for 3-4 hours.
6. Wormy
Worms are caused by worm attacks cocortus Haemonchus worms that live with others. This worm attached to the lining of the intestine and suck nutrients. Goat obese patients can not worms, despite eating a lot. Usually 3-4 months old kid that this disease can be thin, even death.
The symptoms are constipation goat droppings, dirt that came on hard and soft initially and eventually diarrhea, consequently fur near the anus become soiled by feces diarrhea. In addition, goat belly looks big, coarse bristles (not shiny), and is listless.
Worming prevention can be done by keeping the cage and goats graze on during the day so that no more attached worm eggs in the grass. Whole goat worming given, especially when there is a goat that was attacked worms. For worming commonly used among others cetarin concurat , wormex powder , or pheno plus a dose of 5-10 g / head, administered through drinking water once every 3 months. Or as prescribed in the box. Before administering de-worming, goats fasted for 12 months in advance.
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