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Nutrision For Cattle

Written By penyakit hewan on Sunday, January 13, 2013 | 7:51 AM

Success in cattle breeding business in addition to good quality seeds, success is also determined by the quality of feed and have high nutrition. With a highly nutritious feed the cattle disease we would not be easy to come by, besides it would also be good reproduction and is expected to reach the calving interval of 14 months. Imagine if the calving interval of 2 years, then there is a loss of farmers and Self-Sufficiency Program Improvement Beef and Buffalo (P2SDSK) in 2014 is difficult to achieve. For that role is very important in nutrition feed cattle breeding business.
nutision for cattle

What is Nutrition?

Nutrition is also called nutrients are nutrients required by the body. Living things require nutrients to carry live, grow and reproduce.

What are the contents of Cattle Nutrition for that?

1. Carbohydrates and Fats

Feed containing carbohydrates and fat will provide energy for the body to work properly. This energy is stored in the body as fat, and play on the breed.
Examples of cattle feed, which contained high carbohydrate are rice bran, cassava pulp, corn and corn bran, coconut pulp

2. Protein

Protein plays a role in the growth and development of the body. Protein build muscle and tissue in the body of the cow and other animals.
Examples of cattle feed, which contained high protein is soy pulp, fish meal, coconut pulp.

3. Coarse fiber
Crude fiber regulate intestinal smooth working primarily ruminants (cattle, buffaloes, goats and sheep) as well as filling. Crude fiber also plays a role in providing energy and protein.
Examples of food containing high crude fiber are crops, grass, lawn king.

4. Vitamin
Vitamin serve to maintain stamina and cow tissue, essential for growth and proliferation. Nutrient content can not be formed in the body that should be available in the cattle feed.
Examples of food containing vitamin are green grass, sweet potato leaves, spinach leaves.

5. Mineral

Mineral serves foster and strengthen bones, to maintain stamina.
Examples are mineral salts, calcium oxide, bone meal.

6. Water
The water serves to maintain body temperature and stamina, it is important for pregnant and lactating cows.

How can nutrition affect the health of livestock?
The number and quality of proper nutrition given to livestock is the key to maintaining good health. Without this balance will appear body disorders and diseases in cattle. Animal life entirely dependent on food to grow and thrive.
Additional food nutrition and the right will not be easy to make cattle sick so that will make livestock more productive and stay healthy.

Cow & Groceries way of administration

Feeding cows consisting of grass can not meet the needs of nutrients for cattle, given the generally low quality grass. Livestock feed should be composed of a mixture of grass, leaves of peas / beans / agricultural residues, rice bran and oilcake. To meet the needs of mineral and stimulate the appetite should be given salt. Clean drinking water should be given every day indefinitely, especially for pregnant cattle, feeding on grass and old. The grass should be given when it is old enough means not too old, and when the dew is not there anymore.

Giving green fodder in a fresh condition favored cattle. However, for some types of forage / giving fresh leaves unwelcome and sometimes contain toxins which can lead to death livestock, for example: cassava leaves, leaves of Gliricidia. For that needs to be processed with a withered overnight or dried in the sun 2-3 hours.

The amount of food varies depending on the status of animal physiology. But the number of common benchmark foodstuffs required is 10% of body weight. If the rest of forage that is not edible gift needs to reach 50% multiplied both. Comparison of mixed food / forage also need to be regulated.

  • Various Forage Feed
  • Types of grasses
    Example: natural grass (available all year), Setaria grass, grass Bengal, king grass, etc.. 
  • Leaf beans
    Example: glirisidia leaves, leaf kaliandra, albesia leaves, etc..
  • The results of agricultural wastes
    Example: The leaves of cassava / cassava, sweet potato leaves, jackfruit leaves, straw, peanut, soybean straw, banana leaves, etc..

Some Cow Disease caused by disorders Feed

  1. Worms In Cattle (gilig Worms, Worms Ribbon, Heart Worms): cattle eating grass contaminated with larvae - worm eggs
  2. Bloat / Bloating In Cattle
    Bloating gas: too much gas in front of the cow's stomach fermentation process. Generally, eating too much grain or concentrates.
    Bloating congestion: a foreign body in the esophagus / rectum: corn cobs, curler, or stone fruits.
  3. Impaction (Gastric Draft): too much dry food that inhibits colon.
  4. Pica in cattle (indiscriminate eating): deficiency of protein, vitamins, minerals or salts.
  5. Diarhea: too young cattle eating forage or feed contaminated with germs, fungus on feed
  6. Poisoning: feed containing toxic / polluted toxic / mildew.

It can be concluded that the role of nutrition and feed the cattle breeding business is essential to achieve maximum results, both for fattening cattle, breeding, or dairy cows. Hope can be useful.
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